To Claim Property
The Unit’s normal business hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. In order to claim property, you must present a valid driver’s license and/or VU identification. If you are unable to contact the unit during business hours, please call (615) 343-5371 and leave a detailed message. If the owner of the item is not able to personally pick up the item, a notarized letter is required designating the person to pick up the item on the owners behalf. This person must also present a photo ID. Note: Found items that are not accepted by the Records Unit include clothing items, perishable food, flammable items, small recreational items (soccer ball, baseball gloves, etc.), personal hygiene or grooming items, office supplies, umbrellas, intentionally abandoned property (inoperable electronic equipment, furniture, appliances, etc.) and unwanted prescription drugs legally possessed by owner.